At Cosmetic Skin Doctors clinic, we are equipped to help with acne treatment in Melbourne using a combination of methods, from lasers to medication. These methods not only help with the inflammation but also help treat the scarring left by acne.
1. Medication
The medication recommended for acne is often hormonal. In some cases that are more severe, your doctor may prescribe medication not available over the counter.
2. Dermatologist-recommended creams
Often, the creams or the washing agent you generally use can aggravate acne. We recommend and provide creams and washing agents that work to treat your acne in whatever capacity it can. Combined with the other treatment methods, this can prove very effective in the long run.
3. Lasers and radiofrequency
Acne treatment at our clinic in Melbourne includes laser therapy as well as the use of radiofrequency. The treatment helps deal with acne at the cell level, killing the bacteria causing the acne and improving the skin texture.
4. Acne Scarring
Aggravated acne can lead to scarring, with the scarring going deep. This is also commonly seen if the acne removal process is the wrong one. Often, trying to deal with acne at home through multiple methods causes the condition to worsen, also resulting in scarring. Further, acne needs to be treated from the root and cannot merely be treated skin deep.
If you’re dealing with acne scarring, we can help treat it through a number of effective procedures, depending on your condition. Through a consultation, we first need to determine how deep the scarring is, what the type of scarring is, and other details related to the scarring. From stimulating the production of collagen to light-based treatment, there are a number of methods we use for acne scar treatment in Melbourne, each designed for an effective outcome.
5. Acne Scar Treatment Methods
Acne scar treatment procedures are vast and can either be used singularly or as a combination or one or more methods, depending on the extent of scarring. Some of these methods for treatment include:
- Dermatologist-recommended creams
- Lasers
- Light-based treatment
- Radiofrequency
- Dermal fillers
- Needling
- Cryotherapy
To find out the best treatment option in your case, we conduct an in-depth consultation to find out the type of scarring you have. Since certain scars have shown a better response to certain procedures over the years that we have treated acne scarring, we help determine the best methods to treat your scarring for the best possible results.